Sunday, January 29, 2012

to see me

Yes, three posts in one day. Watch it quickly turn into 0 posts in 6 months-- I hope not, it's just that I have a track record with these things. I've abandoned all previous blogging attempts in the past because I find the process of uploading and editing pictures (when necessary) to be completely and utterly tedious and boring. So I hope I'll start enjoying blogging and become caught up in actually updating. Not to mention every camera I've ever had has been a crappy point-and-shoot model with pretty low picture quality... I just never felt the things I had to share were all that impressive or interesting. I always said a camera was the thing I really needed to get this blog thing going, and now that I have it I really have no excuse.

A month into the new year and I've been pretty bad at keeping my resolutions. I didn't make any serious ones, but I did vow to be more motivated and to not give up on things so quickly. I am very flighty and absentminded, and I end up abandoning projects quickly-- be it crafts, cleaning, or trying to get off my ass for long enough to get a better job already (I work at a bookstore, and my body and health have been paying dearly from being on my feet all day), I'll drop it if it becomes too much of a chore. Looking for a job is hard and, as is everything that's worth it in the end, tedious. I have this thing where I can't stand tedium-- call me crazy, right? Well, anyway. One thing that makes me feel more motivated while not boring me to death is putting together outfits that make me feel good, or making an effort with my makeup. I like to do my makeup, I find it soothing and it's become a daily ritual that prepares me mentally for the day ahead. I apply all of my products in the same order, dusting and blending and powdering myself into the disguise of someone suited to go out in public. When I add in a great outfit (if I do say so myself) I feel a bit more ready to go out in the world and get things done. My new tweed coat from H&M, to which I attached a fur collar from another coat I got for cheap at Forever 21, has been making me feel very glam lately, even on dreary days:

please don't ask me what this face is

nor this one

American Apparel double-u neck dress; Forever21 sweater and fur collar; J.Crew delicate elephant necklace; H&M Boots, sunglasses, and coat; Urban Outfitters bag-- on sale for $10!; scarf from Venice, Italy when I was 9 years old

BDG skinny jeans; Forever21 sweater; NastyGal headband; pashmina from Marché Bastille in Paris ; thrifted Franco Sarto boots that look kind of hideous in pictures but are actually cute

So this is how I look some days. Lots of black. occasionally simple jeans and a sweater, and maybe somethings weird on my head. Face the world!!

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